Ova aktivnost je kombinirana tura palačama Dolmabahče i Topkapi. Vaša kombinirana ulaznica vrijedi tri (3) dana nakon prvog korištenja. Možete se pridružiti bilo kojoj turi u odgovarajućim vremenima u nastavku.
Susret s vodičem ispred sata u Palači Dolmabahče. Sat se nalazi na ulazu u Palaču Dolmabahče nakon sigurnosne provjere. Naša vodič će držati zastavu Istanbul E-pass na točki susreta i u zakazanom vremenu.
Susret s vodičem ispred Fontane Ahmeda III. preko glavnih vrata Palače Topkapi. Naša vodič će držati zastavu Istanbul E-pass na točki susreta i u zakazanom vremenu.
Upustite se u fascinantno putovanje kroz carske povijesti Istanbula s našom Kombiniranom Tourom Palačama Dolmabahče i Topkapi. Započnite svoj dan u Palači Dolmabahče, remek-djelu osmanske i europske arhitekture. Istražite njezine izuzetne sobe, ukrašene luksuznim namještajem i nevjerojatnim kristalnim lusterom koji ostavlja posjetitelje bez daha.
Nastavite avanturu u Palači Topkapi, epicentru osmanske vladavine. Prošetajte kroz grandiozne dvorište, raskošne odaje i očaravajući Harem dio. Naši stručni vodiči će vam pričati priče o sultanima, haremu i povijesnom značaju ovih dviju izvanrednih palača. Ova sveobuhvatna tura nudi duboko uranjanje u kraljevsku prošlost Istanbula, čineći je obaveznom za ljubitelje povijesti i kulture. Rezervirajte svoje mjesto danas za putovanje koje spaja prošlost i sadašnjost.
There is no strict order or sequence to follow. You have the flexibility to visit the palaces in any order that suits your preferences and schedule. Please don’t forget that this ticket is valid for 3 days after your first usage.
There is no specific age limit. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the palaces with a combo ticket. Please ensure children are supervised during the visit for their safety and enjoyment.
Both palaces are conveniently located in Istanbul, and you can reach them easily by public transportation. Various options, such as buses, trams, and taxis, provide convenient access.
There is no strict limit to the number of combo tickets you can purchase in a single transaction. If you're planning to buy a large number of combo tickets for a group or special event, please contact us, or you can fill out the form on our website in advance to ensure a smooth and efficient booking process.
A visit to both Dolmabahce and Topkapi Palaces typically takes around 4 to 5 hours, but the duration may vary based on your interests and pace. Dolmabahce Palace alone can be explored in about 2 to 2.5 hours, while a visit to Topkapi Palace may take an additional 2 to 2.5 hours. Please consider these estimates to plan your visit accordingly.
We offer competitive pricing for our combo tickets, and they are designed to provide great value. Keep an eye out for any special promotions or discounts that may be available during your visit.
Dolmabahce Palace and Topkapi Palace are located in different neighborhoods. There is a T1 tram line between the two palaces though. It provides convenient and traffic-free transportation. From Topkapi Palace, you can take the tram from Sultanahmet stop to Kabatas Stop and vice versa for Dolmabahce Palace to Topkapi Palace.
Certainly! The combo ticket for Dolmabahce and Topkapı Palace allows you to skip the ticket lines, but you'll still need to go through security check lines for safety and enjoyment.
Customers holding the Dolmabahce and Topkapı Palace combo tickets have a validity period of 3 consecutive days to visit both attractions. Please be sure to explore both palaces within this timeframe, as your tickets will expire after the 3-day period. Please remember that the first use of any of the tickets will commence their validity period.
We recommend purchasing your combo tickets for Dolmabahce and Topkapi Palaces in advance, although same-day purchases are available on our website. Buying your tickets ahead of time ensures a hassle-free experience and helps you avoid potential queues, especially during high seasons. It's a convenient way to plan your visit and make the most of your time exploring these magnificent palaces.