Vođena tura po palači Dolmabahče s pristupom bez čekanja u redu

Točka okupljanja za turu po palači Dolmabahče

Sastanak s vodičem ispred sata na palači Dolmabahče. Sati se nalaze na ulazu u palaču Dolmabahče nakon sigurnosne provjere. Naša vodička će držati zastavu Istanbul E-pass na točki okupljanja i u dogovoreno vrijeme.

Najvažnije točke ture po palači Dolmabahče

  • Istražite veličinu najveće palače Osmanskog Carstva.
  • Uživajte u trajnom naslijeđu cijenjenog turskog lidera, Mustafe Kemala Atatürka.
  • Divite se opsežnoj zbirci Baccarat i Bohemian lustera, najfinijih svojeg tipa.
  • Steknite uvid u povijesnu važnost svakog kutka, obogaćen informativnim komentarima vašeg vodiča.


  • Ulaz u palaču Dolmabahče
  • Preskočite red za karte
  • 1 sat ture s profesionalnim vodičem koji govori engleski
  • Harem i Selamlik dio palače Dolmabahče

Ne uključuje:

  • Obroci nisu uključeni u paket.
  • Transferi iz hotela nisu uključeni u ovu ponudu.

Pogled u osmansku veličinu

Uđite u svijet osmanske veličine s našom vođenom turu po palači Dolmabahče. Smještena uz obalu Bosfora, ova arhitektonska dragocjenost nekoć je služila kao srce uprave Osmanskog Carstva. Divite se njenom zadivljujućem neoklasičnom dizajnu, ukrašenom složenim zlatnim detaljima i blagom povijesnih relikvija. Dok se krećete kroz bogate odaje i kraljevske dvorane, naši stručni vodiči će vam predstaviti bogatu povijesnu važnost palače. Veličanstvenost Kristalne Stepenice, grandioznost Ceremonijalne dvorane i fascinantni pogledi na Bosfor će vas oduševiti. Ne propustite ovu priliku da osigurate svoje mjesto za nezaboravno putovanje u prošlost do ere neusporedive elegancije i utjecaja.

While there isn't a formal dress code at Dolmabahce Palace, it's recommended to dress modestly and comfortably during your visit. As a sign of respect, consider covering your shoulders and knees, especially when entering religious or ceremonial areas within the palace. To ensure a smooth and respectful visit, it's best to avoid wearing sleeveless tops, shorts, skirts, or strapless dresses in specific sections of the palace.

Photography is permitted throughout most of the public areas of Dolmabahce Palace. However, in order to have a relaxing and enjoyable time at the palace, visitors should pay close attention to any advice they may receive regarding photography.

Yes, it's a good idea to buy your Dolmabahce Palace tickets in advance, especially during busy seasons. This way, you can skip the ticket lines and enjoy a more convenient and efficient visit to this magnificent palace.

Dolmabahce Palace is indeed wheelchair-accessible, with facilities like ramps and elevators in place to aid visitors with mobility challenges. However, it's essential to be aware that you'll need to bring your own wheelchair, as the palace does not offer them on-site.

Dolmabahce Palace generally welcomes visitors between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on most days. However, please be aware that it remains closed on Mondays.

For a comprehensive visit to Dolmabahce Palace, we suggest planning for approximately 1 to 2 hours. Please note that the actual duration might vary based on your specific interests, especially if you wish to delve into various sections like the Imperial Harem, Ceremonial Hall, and the Palace Museum.

The standard Dolmabahce Palace ticket does not grant access to the Harem section. If you're interested in exploring the Harem, you might need to purchase a separate ticket.

The wait time at Dolmabahce Palace can vary based on seasonal fluctuations and daily visitor traffic. During high tourist seasons, lines may become notably longer. To ensure a seamless experience and bypass extended queues, we recommend securing your tickets online in advance.

Dolmabahce Palace is situated along the shores of the Bosphorus in the Beşiktaş district of Istanbul, Turkey. Its picturesque location offers not only a cultural but also a scenic experience.

Dolmabahce Palace boasts a unique blend of Ottoman and European architectural influences. Marvel at its exquisite rooms adorned with opulent furnishings, including a magnificent crystal chandelier that leaves visitors in awe. The palace also offers stunning Bosphorus views, making it a visual and historical delight.